Creating New Ways To Assist Those In Need

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One in 68 children is living with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in the U.S. Some of these children have limited verbal capabilities, are socially disconnected, and become very attached to routines.
It is difficult to toilet train these children, with training generally taking 18 months or more. The process is costly and emotionally exhausting for the child, parents, family members, and caregivers. All over the world, families affected by Autism are looking for solutions.

TrainSmart is Our Solution

designed to change well-established routines 

The TrainSmart toilet training kit consists of disposable pads with moisture-detecting sensors and a Bluetooth transmitter that snaps to the pad and connects to the mobile app. Upon a wetting event, parents and caregivers receive an audio alert triggering our intervention methodologies.

Photo of GuidebookPhoto of diaper padPhoto of Bluetooth transmitterPhoto of phone with app

Reactive Intervention

when there is a wetting event 

The adult quickly brings the child to the toilet. Upon successful toilet use the TrainSmart app presents a rewards menu (a snack, hearing a favorite song, etc.) for the child to choose from. This creates a new, successful toileting routine for the child with a positive brain connection.

Get an alert when an accident is happening with tip on how to encourage good behavior
Rewards menu lets kids choose what they want

Proactive Intervention

to prevent accidents

The application creates a timestamp for each wetting event and generates a shareable log of the child’s wetting patterns, so parents can potentially pre-empt the next wetting event. Further, an alert setting can be used to remind parents to ask their child if they have to go to the bathroom.

See a chronological report of accidents and success

+ A Guidebook

taking you from A to Z

The TrainSmart Interventionist’s Guidebook not only teaches you how to create a winning training routine, but how to fade the use of TrainSmart. It will guide you in the selection of powerful rewards, tell you how to respond when your child does NOT use the toilet, and answer your questions about the habit training. After a habit is formed, it will guide you in fading the use of TrainSmart, so that your child becomes an independent toilet user. Your child will become sensitive to his or her body’s cues and able to use a toilet regardless of the setting.

Confer with the guidebook to learn how to teach toilet use

Train Smarter. Get Results Quicker.


Training period may last six months, ending sooner or later depending on your child


Receive a notification when your child needs to go

Proactive Alerts

Receive a notification before your child needs to go

Individualized Program

Using the Interventionist Guidebook, you develop and implement a winning training routine tailored for your child

Multiple Devices

Monitor more than one child, use it to monitor the whole daycare

Lost Child Alert

Receive a notification when your child has left your range

Wear + Water resistance

Comfortable, worry free, and easy to clean

Bluetooth Wireless

Sync bathroom sessions wirelessly to keep your phone clean

Battery Life

Replaceable watch battery lasts  about a year, longer than you will need it

What is Trainsmart For?

Toilet Training

TrainSmart used with small pads creates a toilet training system for children with Autism, Down’s syndrome, or other developmental disabilities. It is designed to be easy to use for all of your child’s caregivers. The multiple device features lets schools, daycares, and parents coordinate.


TrainSmart used with large pads creates a moisture pager for seniors in nursing homes. The discrete alert system assists nurses in serving loved ones who are not able to control their bladder as well as once before. The multiple device feature will let nurses watch over many seniors keep track of each patient’s needs.

WHAT OUR PaRtners are SAYing


overseeing instruction and school improvement
“As an administrator, I would like to use this product, and I believe schools would buy it.  Our organization is willing to help.”

special education teacher

teaching an 8-year-old student
with severe disabilities
“I was pleasantly surprised at how fast the training worked for our student.”


serving in a nursing home with 30 seniors
“I’m happy that when I am alerted, I can attend to my residents in a timely fashion.”

Coming Soon

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